Monday, 4 December 2017

Bell Moore Group Inc.: Erikoistunut tyydyttää vähittäiskauppias-vuokralainen tarpeet

Bell Moore on viettänyt monta vuotta parantamassa tehtävänä on edustaa alueellisten ja kansallisten jälleenmyyjien kautta tehokas vuokralainen edustus kuin lopullinen kuluttaja vuokra sopimuksen ja myynnin liike toimia. Yhtiö tekee tämän ymmärtämällään erityisvaatimukset jokainen vähittäiskauppias on huolellisesti arvioida vaihto ehtoja sivustoja ja valita edullisin sivustoja, jotka maksimoivat vähittäiskauppiaiden potentiaalinen tulon muodostusta tai heidän henkilökohtainen toiveita.

Vuokralainen edustus on pohjimmiltaan yksinkertainen ja suoraviivainen tehtävä, joka Bell Moore ryhmä on viettänyt vuosia ymmärrystä ja täytäntöönpanoa suuri menestys monilla lain käyttö alueilla, mikä vahvistaa sen mainetta laadukkain yritys, että monet Asiakkaat luottavat ja kääntyvät tehokkaisiin ratkaisuihin.

Jokaisella vuokralaisella on ainutlaatuiset ja monipuoliset tarpeensa, joka sopii niiden erityisiin toimintoihin. Ajan mittaan tällaiset tarpeet voivat muuttua markkinoiden dynaamisten voimien ja alueen yleisten taloudellisten olosuhteiden tai kulttuuri ympäristön mukaan. Bell Moore ottaa aktiivisesti osaa arvostaa ja ymmärtää mahdollisuuksia ja mahdollisia riskejä kunkin asiakkaan käyttöön niiden aiotun omaisuuden vuokra sopimuksen tai hankinnan.

Lisäksi Bell Moore ottaa erittäin aggressiivinen rooli varmistaa vähittäismyyjät hankkia niiden haluttu kohde ominaisuuksia. Koska tämä edellyttää myös ymmärrystä ja tarpeita kiinteistöjen omistajat samoin, Bell Moore ryhmä on myös kehittänyt suhteita kiinteistöjen omistajien ja kiinteistöjen kehittäjille. Näin yrityksellä on mahdollisuus päästä neuvotteluihin siten, että kaikkien osapuolten tarpeet täyttyvät ja että kysymyksiä käsitellään ja tulevat konfliktit minimoidaan tai poistetaan.

Kaiken kaikkiaan Bell Moore sota harjoitukset perusteellisesti läpi kaikki vaiheet mukana prosessissa sulkemalla jokaisen tapahtuman se aloittaa. Tämä elintärkeä yhteys kaikkien asianosaisten välillä on toiminut perustana, samoin kuin Bell Moore Group Inc. olemassaolo ja jatkuva Into himo palvella. Ilman ammatti taitoa ja omistautumista huippu osaamista yhtiö on pyrkinyt säilyttämään alusta lähtien, ehkä toiset ovat tulleet noin täyttämään tyhjiössä. Sellaisena kuin se on, se oli Bell Moore, joka on täynnä, että ammottava reikä ja on menestyksekkäästi ja tehokkaasti saavuttanut kokemusta ja mainetta on vertaansa vailla viran omaisen kiinteistöjen toimintaa maailmanlaajuisesti.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Ashinaga Group Asia: International Student Programs

Giving orphaned students abroad the chance to study in Japan

While Ashinaga originally only supported Japanese students who had lost parents, as time passed it became increasingly clear that we had the experience and means to assist orphaned students outside Japan as well.

This first took the shape of fundraising for international humanitarian crises, but eventually grew into various financial aid and scholarship opportunities to benefit orphaned students from around the world.

Why study in Japan?

Japan is a global leader in higher education, with its universities consistently ranking among the top in Asia and featuring in lists of the best universities around the world. Through the Global 30 University initiative, Japan’s universities are also more open and international than ever.

Japan is also considered a forerunner in technology, sustainability, and the drive for global peace. Students studying here will benefit greatly from seeing how this country is able to attain high levels of development, while still maintaining relative harmony among its population as well as a balance between globalization and tradition.

Our student support team

Moving far away to a country quite different from one’s own can be daunting, which is why all of our students who study in the Asia-Pacific region, including Japan, Australia, and New Zealand are looked after by our experienced student support team. They are there to ensure you get the support you need to make the most of the university experience, and also so that you have someone to turn to with any problems or questions.

Ashinaga Uganda and Senegal

Since 2006, Ashinaga has been providing support and financial aid to students in Uganda, so that they can pursue their undergraduate studies in Japan. Typically, we have supported two students per year, who then are offered housing at our Ashinaga Kokoro-Juku in either Kobe or Tokyo.

Previous students have studied at Waseda University, International Christian University, Sophia University, Meiji University, Doshisha University, Kyoto University, and many others.

Ashinaga has also begun giving scholarships to high school students from Uganda and Senegal to study at senior high schools in Japan. This intensive, immersive program allows students to quickly excel in their Japanese language skills.

Learn more about Ashinaga’s activities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ashinaga Africa Initiative

Students on the Ashinaga Africa Initiative are also encouraged to undertake their studies in Japan. The Ashinaga Africa Initiative hopes to contribute to the continued development of Sub-Saharan Africa through providing a high-quality education to ambitious orphaned students who want to use that education to make a difference.

One-year Programs

Ashinaga currently runs a one-year exchange program for orphaned students from Indonesia and Vietnam currently studying at our partner institutions, Airlangga University and the Sakura Japanese Language School. Interested students should contact their school directly.

Rainbow Exchange

In exchange for accepting our Japanese students at their institutions as part of our Overseas Training Program, Ashinaga invites students from Kocaeli University and Airlangga University to Japan every year. Invitees spend the summer interacting with Ashinaga students, learning Japanese, and learning about Japanese culture.
Learn more about the Overseas Training Program for Japanese students

Past Programs

International summer camps

From 2000 to 2005, Ashinaga held annual international summer camps, or international tsudoi, in which students from 15 different countries gathered and shared memorable experiences with one another. These gatherings brought together orphaned students from Afghanistan, Algeria, Colombia, El Salvador, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Maldives, Serbia Montenegro (Kosovo), Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, and the USA.

Through these camps, students were able to discover that despite the national and linguistic barriers tht divided them, they shared the pain of losing a parent and becoming orphaned.

Tsunami Orphan Scholarship Program

A number of students from Sri Lanka and Indonesia were invited to undertake their undergraduate studies in Japan with a scholarship from Ashinaga, having been affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami.

This program was made possible in part by student-led fundraising conducted by Ashinaga students in Japan.

Learn more about our student activism in Japan

Haiti Program

Following the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, Ashinaga secured funds for four students to study at a university in Japan on an Ashinaga scholarship. All of these students have since graduated and are now either pursuing further studies, working, or contributing their skills back in Haiti.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

TCG Tokyo Consulting Group: Accounting Services, Bookkeeping Japan

Upon opening a branch or business abroad, it is crucial for an organization to get its accounting services managed properly right from the start. As part of our integrated services strategy, Tokyo Consulting Group offers accounting services such as bookkeeping and regular or on-demand consulting.

Our main bookkeeping and consulting services consist of the following tasks:

·         Accounting Journal entry & review
·         Employee expense review
·         Sales & Purchases invoice filing, collecting and payment
·         Petty Cash review
·         General ledger and periodical (as needed) trial balance preparation
·         Monthly financial statement preparation

Additionally, our experienced staff can perform all necessary accounting compilation tasks. We have the ability to generate financial statements according Japanese GAAP, US GAAP and under IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).

Finally, our staff is acquainted with main ERP systems, such as SAP, and can produce statements and records according to the system requested by our customers.

Thus, our accounting consulting services for foreign businesses in Japan is highly flexible, as the type, frequency, platform and language of the reports can be customized to fit our customers' needs.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Phil Devin Real Estate: Aina täällä sinua varten!

Jokaisen kiinteistön Venture Phil Devin Real Estate lupaa pysyä vierelläsi ja auttaa kussakin prosessissa mukana. Voit luottaa Phil Devin, koska hän on ammattilainen, joka on hyvä tausta kiinteistöalaa. Häntä on usein luottaa tarvitsevien kiinteistöjen apua ja hänen edellisen asiakkaita osoittautunut hänen hyvämaineinen positiivisia arvosteluja ja palautetta.

Ei ole ihme, monet henkilöt edelleen tukea ja luottaa Phil Devin konsultit, osoittaa kuihtumaton vahva maine. Phil on varustettu taidot reagoiva, kokonaisvaltaista ja henkilökohtaista palvelua.

Phil tekee omaisuudenhoito hyvin Varmista, että hänen asiakkaansa ei tuntea kaikki pettymys niiden pyrkimyksessä. Hänen työnsä tehokkuuttaan houkuttelee paljon asiakkaita, joten se ei ole yllättävää, että hän on valinnut Jotkut yksilöt hoitaa kiinteistöjen huolensa kuin muut aineet.

Sinun jokainen ajatus ja päätös on ratkaiseva Phil Devin, niin hän laittaa ne huolellisesti huomioon. Hän sitten valmistautuu perusteellisesti ratkaisua antaa lisää säätiön päätöksen. Aiot ostaa tai myydä kiinteistö ei ole ongelma Phil koska hänen yksityiskohtainen ja ammattitaitoinen johto.

Jos sinulla tällä hetkellä on vaikea tehdä päätös, Phil auttaa et tule katumaan jopa antaa sinulle kaikki tarvittavat tiedot, koska hänen tavoite on tyytyväisyytesi pitkän ajan kuluessa päätöksen keksiä.

Kun hän sanoi, että on olemassa asioita, jotka voidaan tehdä, odottaa häntä toimimaan näiden jälkeen. Hän laittaa kaikki ponnistelut työnsä ei dissatisfy hänen asiakkailleen. Rehellisyys on myös yksi rakennus periaatteista ja Phil Devin Real Estate, joten ei tule tietoja sinulta.

Sen alkuvaiheista Phil Devin insinöörit eivät tarjota parempaa palvelua ja parempia tuloksia henkilöille, jotka tarvitsevat apua asiantuntija kiinteistöihin. Phil pyritään hänen pieni boutique-tyyppinen virasto ei vain paikka tapahtumille, vaan myös paikka rakennus hyvä ja kestävä suhteita ihmisiin.

Luetellaan kaikki hyvät ominaisuudet Phil Devin kiinteistöjen konsultit ei ole vaikeaa, mutta se on todella kuuluisa Philin rehellisyys, asiantuntemuksensa ja rehellisyytensä. Uskollisia asiakkaita jo osoittanut hyödyllisyytensä, näin ollen edelleen valita luotettava kiinteistön hallinta viraston muun muassa.

Tietoja meistä

Puhu kenellekään, joka on kokenut prosessi ostaa tai myydä kiinteistöjä ja usein niiden tulokset ovat yhdistelmä stressiä, pettymys ja loppujen lopuksi vaarantaa! Yksi monista tavoitteista on varmistaa, että seuraava siirto on myönteinen.

Phil Devin Real Estate aloittaminen yksi yksinkertainen tehtävä: ”saada aikaan tuloksia, joka ylittää asiakkaiden odotukset”.

Mitä tämä tarkoittaa sinulle?

·         Tiedän olet kiireinen ja arvostan aikaa. Kun asetamme tapaamisen ja I olla siellä.
·         Kun sanon, että voimme tehdä jotain... voit luottaa siihen.
·         Älä yritä talvi ihmisiä tai piilottaa tiedot. I 'm all about julkistamista.
·         En ole sitä liiketointa koskevat - olen sitä pitkän matkan... elinikäistä suhteita.
·         Tämä tarkoittaa, I työtä saada tuloksen ansaitsette.

Lopulta kun ostaa tai myydä minulle, se tulee alas oman päätöksensä, mikä on sinulle oikea valinta. Minun tavoitteeni on varmistaa, sinulla on tarpeeksi tietoa päättää sinun olla tyytyväisiä tiellä. Kun valitset minun auttaa sinua ostaa tai myydä kodin voit luottaa reagoiva, laatu, kattava ja henkilökohtaisen palvelun.
”Pettymys eroa mitä asiakas odottaa ja agentti antaa”

Tiedän, että minun asiakkaat kaipaavat käsitellä ”ammatillinen”, jotka voivat ”kuunnella” yksittäisten haluaa ja tarvitsee ja tarjota ratkaisuja!

Phil Devin on että ammatillinen! 

Friday, 9 June 2017

Tokyo MK Taxi: Drag av en bra chaufför Service

Det finns så många bil chaufförer servicing nuförtiden och inte alla är skapade lika. Om du planerar att boka en limousine för alla tillfällen, att välja ett fordon är inte den enda som du bör överväga. Som kund bör du hoppas på en enastående service och har något att säga i rätt chauffören också. Från att vara pick-up till säkert anländer till slutdestinationen, lista Tokyo MK Taxi några saker som skiljer en bra chaufför från resten av publiken.

Utmärkt kundservice

Ha en mycket professionell chaufför är nödvändigt att förse dig med en bra limo upplevelse. En bra chaufför har effektiva kommunikationsförmåga, förutser passagerarens behov och kan ge sina passagerare med utmärkt kundservice. De bör vara omtänksam, trevlig, artig och veta när att prata med passagerarna och när att låta dem åka i fred. Exempelvis en tankeväckande chaufför kommer att öppna dörrar, ta hand bagage, har paraplyer och vävnader om passagerare behöver dem och erbjuder information om sevärdheter, om det är något du vill veta om.

En positiv attityd och förmågan att vara lugn

Att ha en positiv inställning är allt. En bra chaufför har en positiv syn på livet och på hans jobb. Han ska vara stolt över som serverar sin klient och villig för att gå den extra milen för att göra sin passagerare nöjda och glada. Även i tider av stress vet en utmärkt chaufför hur man hanterar situationen lugnt och göra det bättre.

Utseende och Skönhetssalonger

Chaufför service vanligen anlitade för formell eller speciella tillfällen, av denna anledning bör de vara professionellt klädd eller i en klassisk mörk kostym, vit skjorta och slips. När chaufförer presenterar sig gör professionellt klädd och välvårdade, det alla skillnaden och bestående intryck till kunder som kräver service av bästa kvalitet.

Mekaniska färdigheter i nivå

Det är nödvändigt att din chaufförer är väl-kunniga i mekaniska problem också. På så sätt kan små frågor om bilen fixas snabbt utan att kompromissa din avtalade tider eller schema. Även om du inte kan förvänta dig en chaufför att utföra komplexa mekaniska arbete och åtgärda ett antal problem, bör föraren har åtminstone grundläggande kunskaper om fastställande bilar och när säkerhetskopian behövs.

En av sakerna så att du får en oförglömlig upplevelse är att säkerställa att du rider rätt lyxbilen tillsammans med en kvalificerad chaufför med egenskaper som nämns ovan. Tokyo MK Taxi funktioner Lexus grupp entusiaster med bil ingår i sin fordonsflotta är Lexus LS600hL och Lexus LS460 som är perfekt för koncerngemensamma funktioner och flygplats-city transfer. Tokyo MK Taxi, kommer med sin mångåriga i chaufför service branschen, se till att din transport planer är så stressfri, smidig och pålitlig som möjligt.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Study Confirms Prescription Weight-Loss Medication Helps With Opiate Addiction Recovery

Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston have confirmed that a prescription weight-loss pill decreases the urge to use opiates such as oxycodone.

In a study published in ACS Chemical Neuroscience, the researchers led by UTMB scientist Kathryn Cunningham found that the drug, lorcaserin, reduced the use and craving for the opioid oxycodone in preclinical studies. Cunningham is director of UTMB’s Center for Addiction Research and a professor in the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Opiate abuse is a major public health problem and according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of deaths from prescription opiate overdose in America has quadrupled since 1999. High relapse rates and too few people remaining in treatment programs long enough for it to really benefit them continues to pose major challenges in treatment for the misuse of prescription opiates such as oxycodone and illegal opiates such as heroin.

Most of the treatments available to reduce opiate misuse work by occupying opioid receptors in the brain. If someone were to take an opiate while on these treatments, they would not feel the signature euphoria as strongly. However, a person’s drug-taking environment is a powerful cue that can condition someone to anticipate the experience of taking of the drug; this is called cue reactivity. People who have tried the currently available medications often relapse when they are around the people, places or paraphernalia that they associate with opiate use.

Lorcaserin, prescribed for weight loss, alters the serotonin system by changing chemical signals that affect satiety, the sensation of fullness. Serotonin regulates the brain circuitry involved in drug reward and cue reactivity, Cunningham particularly though activating serotonin 2C receptors. Previous work by and her team have shown that lorcaserin decreases how many times rats will complete a simple task to earn a dose of cocaine.  However, much less is known about the involvement of the serotonin 2C receptors in altering how opiates feel rewarding for the user.

The researchers trained rats to self-administer oxycodone while exposed to specific lights and sounds that create a drug-taking environment. Once the rats were used to regularly consuming oxycodone, they went through a period where no oxycodone was available to them. The researchers then gave lorcaserin to some of the rats while others were given a placebo and placed them in the drug-associated environment. At this point, oxycodone was again made available to the rats. The lorcaserin rats self-administered less oxycodone and reacted less strongly to cues associated with taking the drug. In order to show that this effect was attributed to the lorcaserin, a group of rats was given lorcaserin as well as a drug that blocks the serotonin 2C receptors – thus cancelling out the effect of the lorcaserin – those rats tried very hard to get oxycodone.

“The effectiveness of lorcaserin in reducing oxycodone seeking and craving highlights the therapeutic potential for lorcaserin in the treatment of opioid use disorder,” said Cunningham. “We plan more studies to better understand how drugs like lorcaserin can help us stem the tide of addiction in America.”

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Review: Galveston's Pier 21 - An All Day Affair

It’s a classic harbor scene – ships with sails, pleasure boats and waterside views. Galveston’s Pier 21 has restaurants, an exclusive hotel, marina, theater, harbor tours and attractions. And when a cruise ship is docked along the pier, the area bustles even more.

There’s so much to see and do at Pier 21, and when including the Historic Strand District just a short walk away, it would be easy to spend an entire day or weekend in the area alone. Some of Galveston’s most popular attractions await visitors who make their way there.

Texas Seaport Museum. Flanked by the 1877 Tall Ship Elissa, the museum explains the island’s story as a center for immigration, welcoming more than 133,000 newcomers to the United States through the so called “Ellis Island of the West.” And walk on deck of the iron-hulled Elissa which traversed the world during her 90 years of transporting cargos. The ship supports 19 sails which are maintained by dedicated volunteers who help her sail on the Gulf of Mexico every year.

Pier 21 Theater. This small theater shows documentaries highlighting some of Galveston’s most important history including The Great Storm of 1900, and the life of the island’s most famous pirate, Jean Laffite in the 18-minute documentary, Pirate Island. With a somber tone, The Great Storm runs 27 minutes and explains how the island was walloped by a hurricane that remains the country’s deadliest natural disaster. The presentation tells the story of the storm through photos, letters and articles. A third documentary shown is the 56-minute PBS production Galveston-Gateway on the Gulf showcasing Galveston’s welcoming more than 133,000 immigrants.

Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig and Museum. Located over the water, the Ocean Star is an actual jack-up drilling rig that was once used in the industry. Today, the museum features interactive displays and other exhibits on three floors detailing how oil and gas is extracted from the ocean floor.

Galveston Boat Tours. Different companies offer different tours. Most dramatic are the spinning jet boats of Galveston Water Adventures, the high-powered watercraft spinning 360 degrees while splashing water in all directions. That tour operator also has both a Sunset Cruise around the harbor and an Eco-Tour to see dolphins, seabirds and other marine life. Baywatch Dolphin Tours also looks out for dolphins and marine life, while the Texas Seaport Museum’s Harbor Tours leads visitors on harbor sightseeing with a focus on educational excursions.

Hotel. Because of its location to the cruise ship terminal, the 42-room Harbor House Hotel and Marina is ideal for cruise ship passengers who want to spend more time on their own on the island. The hotel’s waterside docks feature nine boats slips for pleasure craft, so visitors can enjoy the hotel and pier. A courtesy bus transports guests to sister properties for use of their amenities, the Hotel Galvez & Spa along the Seawall and the Tremont House Hotel in the Strand District.

Restaurants. Pier 21 has long-standing seafood restaurants with excellent reputations and extensive menus. Seafood houses include Willie G’s Seafood and Steaks and Fisherman’s Wharf. The Olympia Grill stems from Greek immigrants and serves up in particular Greek-style cuisine. Nonno Tony’s Seafood Kitchen serves Italian, Asian Fusion dishes, Creole and American dishes.

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing Review Singapore Hope you experience this “causeway cure” where flip-flops replace dress shoes and the scenery

Monday, 6 February 2017

Online Fraud Detection- Save Yourself from Cybercrime

Nowadays, our life significantly became dependent on the technology that people have developed. Modern technology has created a great impact worldwide and as the people strive to progress, so did the technology. However, though technology has brought a lot of benefits for humans, it has also been responsible for the wicked effects too.

Cybercrime is a crime done by using a computer and internet to commit various kinds of criminal activity that can cause a threat and serious harm either physically, mentally or virtually to its victims around the world. And no one who uses a computer is exempted from becoming a victim of this criminal act usually committed by an individual or groups of individuals.

Surely, as a brand new year is coming, cybercriminals will have new ways to execute their evil schemes. Cybercriminals are becoming more dangerous and persistent in using the advances in technology for their own benefit even if it means invading and violating other people’s rights and privacy. And it is better that we are all aware of possible risks that we may encounter and how we will make ourselves safe from cyberattacks.

Follow the simple tips below to make sure that your 2017 will be safe from cybercriminals.

1.      Always use a strong password on your accounts. Select a password combination that cannot be easily guessed - a minimum of eight characters with a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. And don't use the same password on all of your online accounts because it will definitely become a serious trouble.

2.      Never share or display your private information online. Cybercriminals can use the information you display publicly for their benefit so be cautious enough.

3.      You should keep your electronic devices lock all the time using whatever locking features the device have. For added security, turn on the automatic locking feature of your device when it goes to sleep.

4.      Received an email from a suspicious and unknown sender? Ignore it. Attachments and links inside these emails might contain viruses that could steal any private information from your laptop or desktop.

5.      There are dangers lurking at free apps. It definitely is tempting to download free apps but be aware that it can pose security risk too. Avoid downloading suspicious applications that require your personal information before you can login because they often hide viruses or spams.

6.      Social media have changed the way we communicate. Make your social media a safe place for you by ensuring that you set your privacy settings appropriately.

7.      Think twice before transacting in the web. Make sure that you are negotiating with a trustworthy seller or buyer online and don’t easily give sensible financial information. Check their business background first.

Many people became a victim of phishing scams and internet fraud this year. Year 2017 is coming, be informed and smart enough to protect yourself from such wicked schemes. Report any criminal activities you have witness or experience to the authorities. In this way, they can inform others from the latest evil schemes that cybercriminals do to deceive people.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Japan Asia Group Limited Review: Notice of Convocation of the 29th Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders

You are cordially invited to attend the 29th ordinary general meeting of the shareholders that will be held as described below.

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can exercise your voting rights in writing; please carefully review and consider the “REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS” enclosed herein, and exercise your voting rights by returning to us by mail the enclosed form for the exercise of voting rights, indicating your votes cast “For” or “Against” each agendum, which we should receive no later than 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. - Japan Asia Group

1. Date and time:
10:00 a.m., Thursday, June 23, 2016

2. Place of Meeting:
Meiji Kinenkan (Meiji Memorial Hall) 2F
2-2-23 Moto-Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

3. Objectives of Meeting:


1. Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements and Audit Report by Independent Accounting Auditor and Audit & Supervisory Board for the 29th Fiscal Term (from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016)
2. Financial Statements for the 29th Fiscal Term (from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016)

Matters to be resolved:
Agendum No. 1: Disposal of Surplus
Agendum No. 2: Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
Agendum No. 3: Election of Eight (8) Directors
Agendum No. 4: Election of Three (3) Corporate Auditors
Agendum No. 5: Election of One (1) Substitute Corporate Auditor
Agendum No. 6: Change to Directors’ Remuneration

(Note 1) For those attending the meeting, please present the enclosed “Form for the Exercise of Voting Rights” at the reception desk at the meeting.

(Note 2) If changes are made to the attachments to this Notice of Convocation or the Reference Materials for the General Meeting of the Shareholders, those changes will be reported on our website (

Monday, 16 January 2017

Japan Asia Group Limited Review: Corporate Philosophy

Our Mission

Save the Earth, Make Communities Green

Our Vision

Group growth through technological innovation integrating financial expertise

Our Values

Integrity, Imagination, and Entrepreneurship

Our Logo
Japan Asia Group's logo expresses the corporate founder's strong wish for the company to become a bridge connecting Japan and Asia. The founder’s early business placed him as witness to the growth of Singapore and Vietnam as countries and economies. Attributing his own growth to the positive dynamism experienced during that period, and thankful for the experience, he founded Japan Asia Group to realize ideas and projects that would contribute new and additional value to society through capital investment, and play a part in the further development of both Asia and Japan.

Japan Asia Group's seamlessly integrated technological and financial divisions gives us a unique advantage in making sustainable, green communities a reality, because the future we want will require both the technological innovation to solve problems faced by our modern society, as well as the financial strength to commercialize key innovations.

Globally, as the effects of climate change become more evident, we collectively face a greater propensity towards natural disasters. In Japan, we also face challenges around economical soundness, population decline, regional revitalization, energy self-sufficiency, ageing infrastructure, and disaster risk reduction; we are at a turning point as a society. Japan Asia Group makes it our mission to encourage the development of sustainable, green communities where safety and security is the norm, by ensuring such communities’ continued growth.

At Japan Asia Group we value integrity, as without respecting individuals, and the diversity of opinions and points of view held, and gaining trust, it is impossible to work towards a better community, society, and future. We also value the power of imagination as a tool that lets us step in and experience problems as our own, consider desirable outcomes as the one affected, and thus identify the best solutions. And our spirit of entrepreneurship - we do not hesitate to change, and we act enthusiastically and delicately to reach our best solutions - keeps us moving forward to realize our envisioned future. Such corporate values support us in realizing our mission, to Save the Earth, and Make Communities Green.

Japan Asia Group's Principles of Action

Japan Asia Group’s principles of action outlines how the company expects its employees to act while delivering on corporate Mission, Vision, and Values so that Japan Asia Group will continue to conduct business as a widely trusted member of society and achieve continued growth and development.

Principle 1 - provide progressive and socially valuable services and products

·We will strive to think from our clients’ point of view, understand client needs and issues, and provide solutions backed up by the entire organization with sincerity and speed.
·We will encourage our employees to think outside the box, never cease to learn and improve, stay ahead of technological innovations, and provide new services and products coming through the seamless integration of our technological and financial divisions.
·We will comply with laws of the land and rules of society, and conduct transactions under free competition that are appropriate, fair, and transparent.

Principle 2 - create an enabling work environment that nurtures excellence

·We will encourage our employees to value each other’s differences in gender, age, nationality, experience, and tasks, and to achieve better results through diversity.
·We will work with our employees and build a work environment that is safe, comfortable, and conducive to work.
·We will value our employees as key resources for our corporate growth and development; we will work to cultivate expertise, creativity, and the spirit of challenge in them.

Principle 3 – contribute towards a sustainable environment and society

·We will strive to solve social issues through our business activities, towards the development and realization of sustainable, green communities
·We will engage the communities in which we conduct business in, contribute to such communities through various activities, and satisfy our responsibility as corporate citizens.
·We will continue to strive to enhance the sustainability of the environment and resilience of communities through our business activities.

Principle 4 - communicate with our shareholders and investors

·We will grow our corporate value by implementing our corporate Mission, Vision, and Values.
·We will ensure proper corporate governance to win enduring trust from our shareholders and investors.
·We will enhance good relations with all investors and shareholders in an equitable manner by disclosing corporate management information accurately, proactively and in a timely manner, and by reflecting the opinions on investors and shareholders in our corporate management.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Tyre&Auto Group Review: Make sure to have regular car maintenance

Maintaining the good condition of a car needs regular maintenance and necessary repair. Ensuring the safety of everyone concerned should also be the main concern of every driver. People should always keep the safety standards of their own cars as well as maintaining their perfect running condition to have a peaceful drive.

What comes first before learning how to move a car forward or backward? The answer is how to brake properly. For Tyre&Auto; Southbourne Group, this symbolizes the importance of safety. The company understands the significance of safety in driving a car, so they only provide quality service to their customers to make sure that they would be danger-free inside their own car.

Tyre&Auto; Southbourne Group is a family-operated company that has an excellent record in trading car parts and accessories. They offer car servicing, tyres, brake checks, MOT’s, and free seasonal tune-ups and check-ups.

Moreover, the company provides online transactions, which can deliver fast tyre quotation to their customers, making fitting faster. Tyre&Auto; can also provide local collect and delivery of a car wherein you can be sure of its car maintenance or repair.

An MOT test is also possible with Tyre&Auto;, and included in this examination is checking the safety of your car and the amount of exhaust emission. And in order to guide you in your yearly MOT certificate requirement, the company provides you with regular reminders such as when is the due of your test. This way, Tyre&Auto; could be certain that you will renew your road tax and car insurance in time.

Each of us has our own destinations every day, and the introduction of cars made it easier for us to reach them. Owning a car can provide you with few advantages, so it’s apparent that you should take care of it properly. Such advantages include ease, mobility, personal comfort, and emotional or psychological benefits.

With 10 years of trusted service, Tyre&Auto; Southbourne Group continues to deliver honest automobile services to their customers, and they always make sure to deliver top-notch maintenance and repair.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Preventing Insurance Fraud: Life Insurance and Health Conditions

Whether you’re a young adult, a stay-at-home parent or a retiree, you may have a need for life insurance.

Yet you may have concerns about your health conditions. Many people think certain conditions preclude them from getting life insurance. In reality, many common and manageable conditions won’t disqualify you from being approved for a policy.

Although it varies by insurer, many companies will extend coverage to people who experience the following:

1. Health conditions a medical professional is helping you control and manage.These conditions could include high cholesterol, hypertension, asthma, thyroid conditions, heart murmurs, diabetes, being overweight and more.

2. More serious conditions that you had in the past. This can include heart attack or heart surgery, cancer, stroke and other diseases. “Things an insurer will consider include the type and severity of the illness, the time that’s elapsed since the diagnosis, the stability of your health and your treatment regimen,” says John Ptaszynski, chief life underwriter at Erie Insurance.

It’s important to remember that it typically costs more to buy life insurance if you suffer from a health condition or use tobacco. It’s also worth noting that your ability of obtaining life insurance decreases if you suffer from multiple health conditions.

Three things to keep in mind

John advises anyone interested in life insurance to keep three things in mind.

First, never assume a health condition automatically disqualifies you from obtaining life insurance. “Don’t think that you can’t get life insurance because you’re in less than perfect health,” he says. “You may very well be eligible for coverage—so always check with a licensed insurance agent to find out for sure.”

Second, be honest about your medical history. “You may compromise a future claim if you make a material misrepresentation, like failing to mention a major surgery or serious diagnosis,” says John.

As a condition of obtaining life insurance, you will likely undergo a simple medical exam. This exam can reveal certain conditions like high blood pressure or a smoking habit. “It’s just not worth it to not disclose important information about your health,” says John.

And third: If you do have a condition like the two mentioned above, it’s best to apply earlier rather than later. That’s because it could be impossible to obtain coverage if things take a turn for the worse later on. And if things improve, you can always talk to your insurance agent about more affordable options that could be available to you as a result of your improved health.

Your Agent’s there to help

Life insurance and health conditions might sound intimidating or confusing—but they don’t have to be. Your best course of action is to talk with a professional like an Erie Insurance Agent in your community. He or she will be able to give you trusted advice on which coverage options* are available to you and your family.

*Life insurance and annuity products are not available in New York.